‘Profiting Off Misery and Suffering of Children’: Outrage on News John Kelly Joins Board of Child Shelter Corporation

Outrage was immediate as CBS News broke its report Friday that John Kelly, the “father” of the Trump administration’s migrant child separation policy, has joined the board of directors of the company operating the largest migrant child shelter.

Kelly, once General John Kelly, was also Secretary of Homeland Security Kelly, and it was in that Trump administration role that he came up with the idea to separate migrant children from their parents. After he announced it on CNN, again, there was immediate outrage, and he claimed he would not implement the new policy.

That policy, as Kelly noted, was to serve one purpose only: to make conditions so bad that it would act as a deterrent to others thinking of traveling the more than 1000 miles to the U.S. border from Central America to escape gangs, drugs, violence, rape, and murder.

Kelly has joined Caliburn International, “the parent company of Comprehensive Health Services, which operates Homestead and three other shelters for unaccompanied migrant children in Texas,” CBS reported.

Thousands of migrant children have been separated by the Trump administration in an effort to deter others, an effort that has not worked. The Trump administration had no plan to reunite the children with their parents, and now, despite court orders, has said in leaked emails that it has no way to do so. Thousands likely will never see their parents again, adding to the already emotional damage the separation policy has wrought.

Here’s what many are saying:


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