For the Second Time in Days a Republican Has Blocked a Critical $19 Billion Bill to Help Disaster Victims

U.S. Rep. Thomas Massie (R-KY) has just blocked a critical $19.1 billion bill that would provide critical aid to victims of natural disasters – victims who have already been waiting nearly six months for Congress to help them.

Last week Republican Congressman Chip Roy pulled the same stunt, blocking the bill by objecting to the procedure Democrats were using to pass it. Democrats tried to pass the bill by unanimous consent, a frequent procedure, because the vast majority of House lawmakers had already left town for the Memorial Day holiday weekend and there was no question it would pass.

The bill now will likely be held for a roll call vote. The only goal both Republican lawmakers have achieved is to add to the harm Americans who are in great need have already faced.

Massie is known for extremist positions and actions, including sticking by his endorsement of Alabama’s Roy Moore’s U.S. Senate candidacy, which failed. Massie also voted in early 2017 to revoke an Obama administration regulation that banned severely mentally impaired people from owning guns. He was even one of just seven Republicans who refused to vote for a bill to name a post office for the late U.S. Rep. Louise Slaughter, who served in Congress for 31 years, literally until the day she died.

The $19.1 billion bill is expected to be voted on the House floor next week. The U.S. Senate already passed it and President Trump has said he will sign it.

Image by Gage Skidmore via Flickr and a CC license

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