‘When You Control Congress, They Let You Do It’: Trump Hilariously Mocked for Crying ‘Presidential Harassment!’

President Donald Trump rose early to attend the anti-LGBT National Prayer Breakfast, and began his usual morning tweet storm earlier than usual.

At 6:13 AM Trump resumed his attack from Wednesday against Congressman Adam Schiff, the Chairman of the House Intelligence Committee. Trump, after calling for comity and bipartisanship at the State of the Union Tuesday, called Chairman Schiff “a political hack who’s trying to build a name for himself” on Wednesday.

The President also cried that Schiff opening a broad and far-reaching investigation into Trump’s financial dealings is “presidential harassment.”

On Thursday, Trump took to Twitter to attack Schiff again, and declared it is “Unlimited Presidential Harassment.”

Trump also lamented President Barack Obama was never investigated:

Then, just before leaving the White House to travel to the National Prayer Breakfast, Trump unleashed his outrage:

People on social media mercilessly mocked the President. Take a look:

Image by Gage Skidmore via Flickr and a CC license

Categories: LOSING IT
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