Trump Uses National Prayer Breakfast Speech to Undermine Civil Rights of LGBT People

President Donald Trump delivered his third speech at the annual National Prayer Breakfast, and used the opportunity to attack LGBT people’s civil rights and show support for those who wish to discriminate.

After promising attendees at the event hosted by a secretive Christian fundamentalist evangelical organization that he will “never let you down,” President Trump applauded Second Lady Karen Pence for choosing to return to teaching at a private Christian school. The President did not mention that the school bans all LGBT people, including teachers and students. It even bans students who have LGBT family members.

President Trump also praised a Michigan Catholic adoption agency, then lamented that they are now in court after being sued for discriminating against same-sex parents.

“We will always protect our country’s long and proud tradition of faith-based adoption,” Trump promised attendees, adding that faith-based adoption agencies should be able to follow their “deeply held beliefs.”

What the President also failed to tell attendees is that that adoption agency is being used to funnel some of the thousands of migrant children his administration has separated at the border, and it has ties to Education Secretary Betsy DeVos.

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