Tomi Lahren Slams Trump for ‘Sham Border Deal’ – Gets Attacked by Trumpsters Who Insist ‘Wall Is Being Built as We Speak’

‘He Has Been Building the Wall This Whole Time’

Fox News commentator Tomi Lahren is attacking President Donald Trump, and Trump supporters are attacking Tomi Lahren. While the karma is great, what’s really funny is what the Trump supporters are saying to support their president.

Lahren has an opinion on just about everything, and shares these nuggets in her “Final Thoughts” hot take videos, while occasionally appearing on “Fox & Friends” to promote her unique musings.

Her stock in trade is attacking liberals and Democrats while maintaining an elevated degree of racism that keeps her popular among the Fox News crowd.

But on Wednesday morning Lahen deviated from the formula, and channeled Ann Coulter by attacking the President over a bipartisan deal to avoid what would be Trump’s fifth government shutdown.

The deal reportedly offers no money for any new wall building, but includes $1.4 billion for 55 miles of rural area fencing. Trump had demanded $5.7 billion to build 200 miles of new, concrete wall. He got zero.

Lahen predicted that Trump will lose re-election in 2020 if he signs the deal, which he indicated Wednesday morning he will.

Trump supporters went ballistic, tossing embarrassingly false claims at her, like, “he is building the wall & has been since day one,” “Year one he had his own a party against him,” “He works harder than any other president,” and “He’s a master at negotiation.”

To be clear, not one mile of new border wall as been built since Trump became President.

Take a look and laugh – or cry – at just how deeply Trump supporters have bought into his lies:




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