Trump Announces New Attorney General Nominee Who Is Critical of Mueller and Wants Clinton to Be Investigated

President Donald Trump has just announced he will nominate William Barr to become his next Attorney General. In speaking with reporters Friday morning before heading to Kansas City, Trump claimed that Barr is supported by Republicans and Democrats alike.

He also said that he did not know of Barr until recently, but that “since day one” Barr had been his “first choice.”

Barr is not a household name to many, but he did serve for about 14 months as President George H.W. Bush’s last Attorney General.

While that may satisfy Republicans, Democrats are likely to be gravely concerned with his record and his positions.

Barr tried to have asylum-seeking Haitian immigrants living with HIV sent to Guantanamo Bay.

He thinks Roe v. Wade was wrongly decided.

And, according to The Washington Post‘s senior political reporter Aaron Blake, Barr supports a new investigation into Hillary Clinton. He has been critical of Robert Mueller’s team. He supports Trump’s firing of former FBI Director Jim Comey. He believes presidents can request the FBI to investigate specific people, events, or actions. And he even thinks the anti-Clinton Uranium One conspiracy theory is more worthy of investigation than Russian collusion.


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