Trump Fires Attorney General Jeff Sessions, Names Acting Replacement

President Donald Trump has fired Attorney General Jeff Sessions.

He submitted his letter of resignation to White House Chief of Staff John Kelly.

Sessions’ letter begins, “At your request,” according to MSNBC’s Pete Williams, and it is undated. That would suggest Trump has been holding on to it until he decided to use it.

But White House Press Secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders claims Sessions submitted his letter today. It is not known if that is true.

Former DOJ Chief Spokesperson Matthew Miller on MSNBC reports that Rod Rosenstein would ordinarily be named acting or permanent successor, but Trump “has now reached into the Justice Dept. and picked someone which is hostile to” the Mueller investigation.

The Toronto Star’s Daniel Dale adds this important note on why Trump chose Whitaker:

UPDATE: 3:08 PM ET –
Former Senior Advisor to President Obama:

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