Trump Gets Eviscerated for Holding ‘Klan Rally’ While Historically Massive Hurricane Destroys Florida

‘The President Doesn’t Care About Your Silly Natural Disasters. He Has to Go Entertain the Rubes and the Racists at His Klan Rallies.’

President Donald Trump spent a good portion of the day in the Oval Office, and in front of TV cameras as he rattled off remarks clearly fed him by his advisors.

What he did not do is cancel his Wednesday evening campaign-style rally in Erie, Pennsylvania – paid for by the U.S. taxpayers. The rally is for one reason alone: to help Republicans hold onto their seats in the House and the Senate. And it is one of four scheduled for this week.

In fact, Trump this afternoon bragged that “thousands” were waiting for him outside the event, and insisted he had to go because he didn’t want to disappoint them.

Meanwhile, 3.7 million Americans are in the path of a Category 4 or possibly Category 5 hurricane, Michael, so strong the Florida Panhandle hasn’t seen anything like it in a century.

(Let’s not forget that the stock market continued to crash today, closing with the biggest drop in eight months. The DOW was down 830 points, and Americans are now worrying once again about their future.)

Tonight, President Trump will once again attack Democratic voters as an “angry mob,” as he has done for the past week. Some of those Democrats, meanwhile, will literally be fighting – not political battles, but for their actual lives, for their homes, and their property, as Hurricane Michael destroys their towns and cities.

And the President will call them names and attack them, while they are unable to defend themselves. It’s not irrational to think that as the president is calling them names and trying to destroy their reputations, some of them may actually be dying in the historic hurricane.

Trump posted this tweet defending his decision to not cancel his political rally:

In 2012 then private-citizen Donald Trump had a very different take, several days after Hurricane Sandy:

Trump is getting eviscerated for putting politics ahead of people:


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