In Insane Rant Trump Threatens to Use Military to Close Mexico Border – Blames Democrats for Immigrant Caravan

President Donald Trump on Thursday threatened to send the United States military to the U.S.-Mexico border to stop a group of immigrants from entering the United States.

Writing on Twitter, the president first made a baseless claim that the immigrant caravan was part of a conspiracy by Democrats in coordination with several Central American governments.

“I am watching the Democrat Party led (because they want Open Borders and existing weak laws) assault on our country by Guatemala, Honduras and El Salvador, whose leaders are doing little to stop this large flow of people, INCLUDING MANY CRIMINALS, from entering Mexico to U.S.,” he wrote.

The president then turned his attention to Mexico and warned the country that he would put American troops right on their border unless they took action.

“I must, in the strongest of terms, ask Mexico to stop this onslaught — and if unable to do so I will call up the U.S. Military and CLOSE OUR SOUTHERN BORDER!” he wrote.

The president then seemingly threatened to scrap the trade deal with Mexico and Canada that he just struck if the Mexican government failed to act.

“The assault on our country at our Southern Border, including the Criminal elements and DRUGS pouring in, is far more important to me, as President, than Trade or the USMCA,” he wrote. “Hopefully Mexico will stop this onslaught at their Northern Border. All Democrats fault for weak laws!”


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