Senator Kamala Harris’ Office and California Newspaper Evacuated After Suspicious Package Found

The San Diego office of Democratic U.S. Senator Kamala Harris has just been evacuated after a suspicious package was found. Her office is in a building that also includes the offices of The San Diego Union Tribune. The entrance to  the building has been cordoned off with police tape and law enforcement can be seen outside the building.

The San Diego Union Tribune reported on its own evacuation:

“A police lieutenant reported the boxes, which were situated on top of a trash can in front of the 600 B Street building about 8:15 a.m., San Diego police Officer Billy Hernandez said. It’s unclear if the lieutenant saw the stack himself, or was flagged down by someone in the area.”

The San Diego Union Tribune is a historically conservative paper but even before it was purchased in June by a biotech entrepreneur, it endorsed “Anyone but Duncan Hunter” for the U.S. House seat currently held by indicted Republican Congressman.

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