President Fabricates An “Open Borders” Bill That Doesn’t Exist

On Saturday at a political rally in Kentucky, President Trump lied about a non-existent democratic bill he claims was written by Senator Dianne Feinstein.

“Today’s Democrats have embraced radical socialism and open borders. If you don’t have borders, you don’t have a country, folks, you don’t have a country. Every single Democrat in the US Senate has signed up for the Open Borders – and it’s a bill! It’s called the Open Borders Bill! What’s going on? And it’s written by – guess who – Dianne Feinstein,” said Trump.

There is no such bill. The closest this comes to reality is a bill that Feinstein did author that her democratic colleagues support: the Keep Families Together Act. It was written to combat the cruel administration policy of separating families at the border.

It is not a bill for “open boarders,” nor is the bill called — or even referred to in any way as — the Open Borders Bill.

The Keep Families Together Act, while it was co-sponsored by every democratic member of the United States Senate — failed to make it through the Senate Judiciary Committee thanks to Senator Chuck Grassley (R-IA).

The bill would have prevented the separation of a child from a parent within 100 miles of a US border, and was designed as a response to the “zero tolerance” policy that led to thousands of families being divided.

According to the Washington Post, the president made 4,229 false or misleading claims within his first 558 days in office.

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