Trump Warns He May Declassify Information ‘To Find Additional Corruption’ in Wake of Damning Op-Ed

President Donald Trump is warning he may reveal classified information, less than 24 hours after a damning New York Times op-ed by an anonymous high-level official in his own administration threw the White House into utter chaos. If he decides to do so, it could come in the form of an attack on the intelligence community in an attempt to discredit the Mueller investigation, while “weeding out” the author of the Times opinion piece.

The president went full conspiracy theorist Thursday morning, tweeting in an attempt to try to appear in control of the situation.

“The Deep State and the Left, and their vehicle, the Fake News Media, are going Crazy – & they don’t know what to do,” Trump falsely claimed, amid suggestions his trusted advisors had discussed invoking the 25th Amendment to remove him from office. “The Economy is booming like never before, Jobs are at Historic Highs, soon TWO Supreme Court Justices & maybe Declassification to find Additional Corruption. Wow!”

There is no “deep state,” and Trump’s top opponents, given the New York Times op-ed, are Republicans – people he appointed – including White House officials and the leadership at the Dept. of Justice, including the FBI.

It’s unclear what “corruption” Trump was referring to, but part of the special counsel’s investigation has moved into uncovering corruption among Trump’s closest associates.

On Wednesday Politico reported “President Donald Trump’s top congressional allies are calling on him to release reams of classified documents connected to the FBI’s Russia probe.”

Among them, Republican Reps. Mark Meadows, Jim Jordan, Matt Gaetz, and Lee Zeldin.

Meanwhile, those on social media Thursday morning were only too happy to respond – here’s a sampling: