Murkowski and Manchin Join Flake – Demand Delay on Kavanaugh Vote So FBI Can Investigate

Judge Brett Kavanaugh’s full Senate vote could be delayed after Senator Jeff Flake (R-AZ) announced he wanted the FBI to get one week to investigate allegations against the Supreme Court nominee.

But MSNBC has just now reported that Senator Lisa Murkowski (R-AK) is joining Senator Flake in calling for a one-week delay to allow the FBI time to look into the sexual misconduct allegations.

What this means is there are not 50+ votes for Kavanaugh right now – and President Trump must order the FBI inquiry or Kavanaugh cannot be confirmed, as it stands at this moment.

To be clear, Flake and Murkowski are not sayimng they will vote no after the FBI investigation. They are saying they won’t vote yes, and might vote no, after an FBI investigation.

Democrat Joe Manchin, in a tough red state re-election bid, joins Flake and Murkowski:


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