FBI Refuses to Investigate Secret Letter Allegations About Kavanaugh Forwarded by Democratic Senator

For days rumors of the existence of a secret letter about Judge Brett Kavanaugh have been floating about Washington, D.C., and on Thursday Democratic U.S. Senator Dianne Feinstein confirmed the letter’s existence by announcing she was forwarding it to the FBI for investigation.

While its contents are unknown, reports at The Intercept and Buzzfeed make clear it was penned by an unnamed woman, and her attorney represents #MeToo survivors. The attorney has refused to comment, and the unnamed woman’s privacy is being respected.

But HuffPost is now reporting that the FBI has just refused to investigate what are assumed to be allegations, possibly of sexual impropriety, against Judge Kavanaugh, ahead of his Senate Supreme Court confirmation vote.


“Upon receipt of the information on the night of September 12, we included it as part of Judge Kavanaugh’s background file, as per the standard process,” an FBI spokesperson told HuffPost.

Huffpost adds, “there’s no plan for further investigation as part of the background check process, which likely would have happened if the FBI had received the information earlier on.”

Amanda Terkel, HuffPost Washington Bureau Chief, explains via Twitter, “Basically… the information came in too late,” leading some to question how it could be too late for a lifetime appointment.


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