Texas Candidate: It’s ‘a Blessin’ to Kill People.

Long-time Texas gubernatorial candidate Larry Kilgore is endorsing the murder and torture of gays, transgender people, and others.

The candidate, who has failed in the past to win the Governor’s chair, is an outlier, coming in short in two previous bids for Governor as well as failing at a Senate run in 2008.

His campaign has always been at the extreme right, particularly when it comes to LGBTQ people. In his 2008 Senate run, he first suggested the death penalty for homosexuality, abortion, and adultery, as well as “flogging” for “transvestism” and vulgar language.

He played the same tune in his 2013 run, which also included a name change to Larry SECEDE Kilgore. In that run, while he desired to put gay people to death, he said he wished to build a coalition, and invited homosexuals to join his campaign.

“After we get our freedom, then we can decide all that stuff – hopefully at a county level. Right now, lesbians and homosexuals and Christians may have differences with each other, but we’ve got a bigger enemy,” he told Lone Star Q in 2013.

That year, in an effort to appear more moderate, he removing his anti-trans “flogging” rule from his website. It is unknown if any LGBTQ people chose to stand with him then or now.

This year, while sharing a debunked and racist story about “animal brothels” in Germany, Kilgore reiterated his platform on his Facebook page.

“I’d gladly execute a convicted adulterer, sodomite or bestialiter. Biblical law is a blessin,” said Kilgore.

He has since deleted the post, as well as his whole Facebook account. His campaign website is also currently unavailable.

Image from SECEDEKilgore.com

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