Trump’s SCOTUS Pick Grows Increasingly Toxic

Brett Kavanaugh, President Donald Trump’s Supreme Court nominee, was not a popular pick among Americans when he was first announced, and he’s becoming more and more unpopular as days go by.

A Fox News poll shows last month just 38% of Americans wanted to see him confirmed, while 32% were opposed.

But the undecided number was the most important: 30%.

One month later, many have made up their minds.

By a two-to-one margin, the undecided Americans who have decided are now opposed to Kavanaugh.

In the latest, just-released Fox News poll, Kavanaugh picks up 7 points in the “yes, to confirm” column, but twice that, 14 points, move into the “no, not confirm” column.

Even Fox News reports, “Voters are increasingly divided over the nomination of Brett Kavanaugh to the Supreme Court.”

That’s bad news for President Trump and Republicans – and it gives Democrats more leverage to oppose his nomination.

Worse, the poll was conducted August 19-21. The Manafort conviction and the Cohen guilty plea took place in the afternoon of August 21, so most of this poll does not account for that devastating news. More people are now calling Trump’s presidency illegitimate, casting doubt on the validity of his Supreme Court nominee.



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