Mueller Incorporates Additional Federal Resources in Expanding Trump-Russia Probe

Special Counsel Robert Mueller is utilizing additional Justice Department resources in what appears for all intents and purposes to be an extension of his Trump-Russia 2016 election probe, according to Bloomberg.

In addition to increasing his team with FBI agents, Mueller is making use of career prosecutors in addition to his 17 currently on staff. The extra resources are being funneled in from New York, Pennsylvania, and Virginia, among other locations.

Mueller previously reassigned one major investigation to the Southern District of New York. That case was regarding Trump’s personal lawyer, Michael Cohen.

Mueller’s workload has been top-heavy since the investigation began in 2016. Having additional support in place to hand off pieces of the larger puzzle can only aid in continuing the investigation regardless of whether or not Mueller is in the driver’s seat. Attacks from GOP representatives occur on the daily and preparing Mueller’s exit strategy is a probable scenario.

But could diversifying the team be about more than simply protecting Mueller? A timeline of the Russia probe is accessible here. You tell us.

“Russian President Vladimir Putin ordered an influence campaign in 2016 aimed at the US presidential election” between Trump and Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton, the U.S. intelligence community has said.

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