J.K. Rowling Just Mocked Donald Trump and Won Twitter

J.K. Rowling just won Twitter – heck, all of the Internet!

The Harry Potter novelist, and philanthropist, and activist is known for being outspoken on social media, and for her opposition to the American president.

Late Tuesday afternoon Trump posted a tweet, crediting himself for “having written many best selling books, and somewhat priding myself on my ability to write.”

He defended his strange capitalization usage, and attacked “the Fake News” which, he wrote, “constantly likes to pour over my tweets looking for a mistake.”

The correct spelling of the phrase is “pore over,” not “pour over.”

Rowling went to town:

She wasn’t done.

There was still more:

The general consensus can be summed up by these two tweets:

So much winning!


Categories: SO MUCH WINNING!
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