Fox News Accidentally Books Wrong Democrat – Who Attacks Trump Live On-Air for ‘Putting Kids in Cages’

Fox News viewers Monday morning were subjected to a rare event: a politician speaking truth to power. The hosts on “Fox & Friends First,” Fox News’ early morning show, introduced Ann Kirkpatrick, a Democrat running for Congress who opposes the Abolish ICE movement.

“Good Morning. I’m actually here to speak directly to Donald Trump,” the Fox guest said, to the surprised co-hosts, Jillian Mele and Rob Schmitt. They became even more surprised as she continued.

“I feel that what’s happening at the border is wrong. I’m a mother of four and I believe that separating kids from their parents is illegal and inhumane.”

Then their guest reveals who she is.

“I’m actually Barbara L’Italien, I’m actually a state senator representing a large immigrant community, I’m running for Congress in Massachusetts,” L’Italien – who clearly is not Ann Kirkpatrick, told the Fox News hosts and viewers.

“We have to stop abducting children and ripping them from their parents’ arms, stop putting kids in cages –”

The Fox hosts tried to interrupt her, but she was not going to let this opportunity go without a fight.

“And stop making three-year olds defend themselves in court.”

“That, that, that practice has stopped at this point, Miss Kirkpatrick, right” one Fox host claimed, falsely. It has not stopped. He also clearly was not aware that was not Ann Kirkpatrick.

The other host falsely suggested the problem of separating children from their parents had been resolved.

“Kids have been reunited with their family,” she insisted.

“Again, my name is Barbara L’Italien and I refuse to believe our only option is open borders –”

“Who is this?” the host asked, as L’Italien’s screen just went blank.


“OK,” both Fox hosts concluded.

“That didn’t go as planned.”

“Time for a break?”

