6 Stunning Revelations From Mueller’s Indictment Today of 12 Russian Government Officers

Friday afternoon Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein unveiled that Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s probe has just led to a grand jury indicting 12 Russian government officials for criminal hacking related to the 2016 presidential election.

They successfully hacked the Democratic National Committee, the Hillary Clinton campaign, the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee, various state government offices and the election systems of several states.

500,000 voters’ data was accessed, according to Rosenstein.

The indictment itself, which can be read via the Dept. of Justice website, makes even more stunning revelations, like these:

  • On July 27, 2016, then-candidate Trump made his now-infamous and very public request to hack Hillary Clinton’s email accounts: “Russia, if you’re listening, I hope you’re able to find the 30,000 emails that are missing.”
    Via the indictment, the Russian officials that same evening tried “for the first time” to hack Clinton’s emails:
  • The hacker known as “Guccifer 2.0” is actually the Russian government. MSNBC Justice and Security analyst Mark Murray reveals “Guccifer 2.0 (Russian intel) was communicating with a person in regular contact with the Trump campaign”:

  • WikiLeaks “was coordinating the release of the DNC emails” with the Russian government:

  • A congressional candidate requested from and received from the Russian government hackers information on their opponent:

  • Allegedly, according to ThinkProgress founder Judd Legum, Roger Stone apparently corresponded with the Russian government hackers:

  • Some (rightly) are calling this attack on American democracy “an act of war”:

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