Sarah Sanders Defends Ripping Children From Their Parents: ‘It Is Very Biblical to Enforce the Law’

White House Press Secretary Sarah Sanders clashed with reporters on Thursday over a White House policy that separates immigrant children from their parents.

During Thursday’s White House briefing, CNN’s Jim Acosta noted that Attorney General Jeff Sessions had claimed that the policy is supported by the Bible.

“Where does it say in the Bible that it’s moral to take children away from their mothers?” Acosta asked.

“I can say that it is very biblical to enforce the law,” Sanders replied. “That is actually repeated a number of times throughout the bible. Hold on, Jim, if you’d let me finish. I’m not going to comment on the attorney [general’s] specific comments.”

Acosta pressed Sanders to name the passage of the Bible that supports the administration’s policy.

“That’s not what I said,” Sanders shot back. “I know it’s hard for you to understand even short sentences, I guess and please don’t take my word out of context. The separation of an illegal family are the product of the same loopholes the Democrats refuse to close.”

An Associated Press reporter reminded Sanders that there is no law requiring families to be separated, but Sanders refused to acknowledge the substance of the remark.

“It’s not a policy change to enforce the law,” Sanders said.

Without being called on, Playboy correspondent Brian Karem pleaded with Sanders to address the question.

“Come on, Sarah, you’re a parent,” Karem said. “Don’t you have an empathy for what these people are going through? They have less than you do,”

“Settle down,” Sanders snapped.

“These people have nothing,” Karem observed.

“I know you want to get some more TV time,” Sanders quipped.

“Honestly, answer the question,” Karem continued. “You’re a parent of young children. Don’t you have any empathy for what they go through?”

Sanders ignored Karem and moved to the next question.

Watch the video below.


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