Rubio Roasted for Attacking Capital Gazette Reporter’s F Bomb After 5 of Her Colleagues Were Shot Dead

At 6:43 AM Friday morning Sen. Marco Rubio took to Twitter to blast a Capital Gazette reporter’s use of the “F” word on CNN the night before.

Selene San Felice was speaking live on-air to Anderson Cooper when she said: “I don’t know what I want right now but I’m gonna need more than a couple days of news coverage and thoughts and prayers…thanks for your prayers but I couldn’t give a f*ck about them if there’s nothing else.”

Those remarks didn’t sit well with the two-term U.S. Senator and failed GOP presidential candidate who is perhaps best known for suggesting on the campaign trail that his Republican opponent, now President Donald Trump, was not well-endowed.

Rubio, after the Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School mass shooting also took to Twitter to express his frustration, with those calling for bans on assault weapons.

And Rubio didn’t even respond to the news that five people had been shot to death Thursday. Not a press release. Not a statement. Not a tweet. Not a word.

HuffPost notes that Sen. Rubio “has an A+ rating from the National Rifle Association for supporting gun-friendly legislation and has received $3.3 million from the group as of March.”

Many on social media blasted or mocked the Florida Senator for being more upset that the word “fuck” was used live on-air than that five people, including four dedicated journalists, were shot dead in their newsroom.



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