Republican Party Chair Makes Disturbing Threat to Americans

Chairwoman of the Republican Party Ronna McDaniel issued a stunning statement threatening Americans Wednesday evening: embrace the Trump agenda. If you don’t you “will be making a mistake.”

Former Office of Government Ethics chief Walter Shaub was among the first to make clear that yes, the GOP chair seemed to be threatening Americans.

Others responded similarly.


McDaniels’ threat comes on the heels of at least two Republicans calling the Trump administration a cult.

“We are in a strange place,” U.S. Senator Bob Corker (R-TN) said this week. “I mean, it’s almost, it’s becoming a cultish thing, isn’t it? And it’s not a good place for any party to end up with a cult-like situation as it relates to a president that happens to be of — purportedly, of the same party.”

And MSNBC’s “Morning Joe” co-host Joe Scarborough made a similar remark this week.

“Why don’t we just say it has devolved into a cult? Primary voters in the Republican Party have devolved into a Trumpist cult,” Scarborough, a former Republican Congressman, said.


Image by Gage Skidmore via Flickr and a CC license