Ivanka Trump Posts Fawning Tweet Thanking Her Boss for ‘Taking Critical Action’ on Family Separation

Thanking Him for Stopping the Atrocity He Started

After Donald Trump was elected president hopeful Democrats and Republicans alike insisted Ivanka Trump and Jared Kushner would certainly be a moderating force on the Republican “populist” president-elect.

That never happened.

The world stood by the past few weeks wondering where Ivanka, who loves to frame herself as a mother, was. Why hadn’t she spoken out publicly on her boss and father, President Donald Trump’s inhumane treatment of babies and young children, being ripped from their parents’ arms? Why had she said nothing publicly to condemn his child abuse?


But now, less than an hour after Trump signed (a misspelled) executive order mandating that instead of ripping families apart we will continue to have “zero tolerance” for all undocumented immigrants caught crossing the border, she appears.

The only difference, by the way, is that going forward, families will be detained jointly, kept together, but detained indefinitely.


We will still be arresting undocumented immigrants for the misdemeanor of crossing the U.S. border illegally. We will still be spending untold millions to house them, many of whom want and deserve asylum.

However, Ivanka Trump found it appropriate to thank her father for taking such “critical action” to end the separations after he was the one who broke the system by deciding to split families apart in the first place. All so he could use children as a bargaining chip to fund his racist border wall.

“Thank you @POTUS for taking critical action ending family separation at our border,” Trump’s eldest daughter and Senior Advisor to the President said in a statement via Twitter. “Congress must now act + find a lasting solution that is consistent with our shared values;the same values that so many come here seeking as they endeavor to create a better life for their families”

There was no period at the end of the statement and the other errors are original to the tweet.

Many responded with anger and outrage.

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