Conway’s Latest Lie: Americans ‘Were Promised’ Mueller Investigation Would Prove Russia ‘Changed Votes’

Kellyanne Conway is now falsely claiming that the American people were told a special counsel was needed to prove that Russia’s interference in the 2016 U.S. election resulted in vote changes, and changes so substantial that it caused Donald Trump to win the White House.

That is a lie.

There was never a predetermined outcome created to prove the necessity of the Mueller Russia probe. Investigations – legitimate ones, that is – do not work that way.

Conway told Fox News Friday morning that President Trump “believes that there “was no collusion.”

The president “goes back to what we were promised at the very beginning of this, which is that, ‘This changed votes,’ and, ‘He wasn’t duly elected.’ That’s a load of bunk and everybody knows it.”

She is correct on that front: it is a “load of bunk” to say that the Mueller investigation is guaranteed to prove that the Russians are able to flip vote tallies, and do so by at least the 78,000 votes across three states that handed Trump his Electoral College win.

What she Conway doing, as ThinkProgress’ Aaron Rupar notes in the tweet he posted with the video below, is changing there goalposts, so they can continue to try to discredit the Mueller investigation.



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