Barely Hours After Kennedy Announcement Fox News Begins Drumbeat to Overturn Women’s Rights

America’s most-watched conservative news network, Fox News, began a drumbeat on Wednesday that could eventually overturn abortion rights for women.

Just hours after the retirement of Justice Anthony Kennedy was announced, Fox News host Dana Perino brought on conservative writer Ben Shapiro to talk about the possibility that the court could outlaw abortion by overturning its Roe v. Wade decision.

“On the left, that’s what they’re concerned about,” Perino said. “Your thoughts?”

“I don’t think that’s completely inaccurate,” Shapiro explained. “The fact is that Roe v. Wade is a horribly decided decision. Any justice that the president appoints should be against Roe v. Wade because anybody who’s read the Constitution should be against Roe v. Wade — even if you are a pro-choice person.”

Shapiro argued that it was “highly unlikely” that states would “outlaw” abortion soon after a new justice was appointed.

“With that said, what we are looking at is a possible ethical shift in the nature of the Supreme Court,” he insisted. “It could not be bigger and the timing of it is astonishing for 2018 [midterm elections].”

Watch the video below from Fox News.