White House: No Idea How Anti-Semitic, Hitler-Praising Pastors Invited to Preach at Jerusalem Embassy

White House Won’t Even Condemn Preachers’ Vile Religion-Based Attacks

White House Deputy Press Secretary Raj Shah says he has no idea how two anti-Semitic pastors best-known for their attacks on Jews and Judaism were official participants at Monday’s opening celebration ceremony of the new U.S. embassy in Jerusalem. Those preachers, Robert Jeffress and John Hagee, are well-known as far right wing religious extremists.

NCRM on Saturday was the first to report on Pastor Robert Jeffress being chosen to preach at Monday’s event while detailing the Dallas megachurch Baptist and Fox News pundit’s previous attacks on literally every major religion, including some Christian religions.

Jeffress, in short, says only those who follow his own brand of religion will see heaven. Others, including Catholics, Muslims, Mormons, and Jews, will go to hell.

Hagee once said that Hitler was fulfilling God’s will by slaughtering Jews.

On Monday, the White House was asked to explain the two pastors’ presence. Raj Shah, standing in for Sarah Huckabee Sanders, couldn’t even bring himself to denounce the detestable statements.

“I don’t have any readout on how they became involved with these events,” Raj Shah told reporters. “All I’ll says is those specific views that you outlined –if they’re accurate reflections of what was said – wouldn’t be embraced by this White House.”

“Beyond that I don’t have anything else,” Shah concluded.


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