US Congresswoman: School Shootings on the Rise Because You Can Buy Pornography in Supermarkets

A Republican U.S. Congresswoman has a unique theory about why there’s been an increase in school mass shootings in America: people are apparently able to buy pornographic materials in supermarkets.

Rep. Diane Black (R-TN), a huge Trump supporter who is running to become her state’s governor and is appearing with the president Tuesday evening, made her remarkably false and ill-informed remarks during a listening session with local religious leaders.

The Huffington Post reports Black says pornography is a “big part” of the reason for the increase in school shootings. She brought up the issue of schools shootings then offered her belief of why they are on the rise.

“Pornography,” Rep. Black told the Tennessee ministers.

“It’s available on the shelf when you walk in the grocery store. Yeah, you have to reach up to get it, but there’s pornography there,” she said, according to the audio below. “All of this is available without parental guidance. I think that is a big part of the root cause.”

Black also blamed “the ‘deterioration of the family,’ mental illness and violent movies,” The Huffington Post’s Jennifer Bendery reports. (In her article Bendery asks: “Does anyone know what kind of porn Rep. Diane Black (R-Tenn.) is watching?”) It’s also unclear which supermarkets sell pornography.

On Monday Black told “Fox & Friends” that she is filing a bill to allow the federal government set up a “GoFundMe” type of website so Americans can Donte their own money to help build President Trump’s racist wall. She used the Washington Monument as an example of crowdfunding a national project. But there’s a more relevant one: the Statue of Liberty.

Categories: IDIOCY
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