Fox News Freak-Out: ‘Taxpayer-Funded’ University Partnering With Planned Parenthood

The folks at “Fox & Friends” Tuesday morning appeared to have trouble reporting on a simple yet important story. The City University of New York (CUNY) is partnering with Planned Parenthood to offer a scholarship at the Masters or Doctorate level to one student studying reproductive justice.

The program offers a fellowship award including full tuition and an hourly stipend, a Planned Parenthood press release notes. It is designed to support a “student in developing their theoretical knowledge and practical skills in applying a sexual and reproductive justice lens to address disparities in sexual and reproductive health in New York City.”

That was way too much for the “Fox & Friends” co-host who literally had trouble saying “reproductive justice” – which the chyron placed in scare quotes.

“One student will soon go to school for free,” the segment begins, “to study ‘reproductive justice,'” the co-host said, emphasizing the term as if it were a foreign word.

“A City University of New York,” they continued – it’s actually “The City University of New York,” a well-known school.

Fox News stressed that CUNY is a “taxpayer-funded school,” which, since the funds are coming from a Planned Parenthood scholarship program, really shouldn’t raise any eyebrows – except at Fox News.

Perhaps they have forgotten abortion is legal?




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