For 4 Months She Said ‘No.’ Last Week She ‘Embarrassed’ Him. On Friday He Allegedly Shot and Killed Her and 9 Others.

17-year old Dimitrios Pagourtzis, who on Friday became the suspect in yet another school shooting, for four months allegedly made advances to one of his classmates, Shana Fisher. Last week, after repeatedly saying “no” to him, she “embarrassed” him in class. Her mother now says she was the first one he shot and killed.

According to the Los Angeles Times, Shana Fisher, “‘had 4 months of problems from this boy,’ her mother, Sadie Rodriguez, wrote in a private message to the Los Angeles Times on Facebook,” about Pagourtzis. “He kept making advances on her and she repeatedly told him no,” Rodriguez told the LA Times.

Pagourtzis continued to get more aggressive, and she finally stood up to him and embarrassed him in class, Rodriguez said. “A week later he opens fire on everyone he didn’t like,” she wrote. “Shana being the first one.” Rodriguez didn’t say how she knew her daughter was the first victim.

In a statement the family of Dimitrios Pagourtzis say they are “as shocked and confused as anyone else by these events that occured [sic].”

The rest of the statement does not seem to jive with what students who acknowledged they knew him told reporters Friday.

“We are gratified by the public comments made by other Santa Fe High School students that show Dimitri as we know him: a smart, quiet, sweet boy,” the family statement said. “While we remain mostly in the dark about the specifics of yesterday’s tragedy, what we have learned from media reports seems incompatible with the boy we love.”

Given his social media postings, and the way he was described by everyone who spoke with the media about him, that description seems astonishingly inaccurate.

On Twitter, some immediately picked up on what now appears to be yet another young white male who was enraged he was rejected by a girl, as if somehow he was entitled to her affection or her body.

The false term “incel” – short for “involuntarily celibate” or “involuntary celibacy” – has been coined to supposedly describe people who are, for lack of a better term, unlucky at love.

It’s a lie.

No one is entitled to the love of another person. And no one is entitled to sex.

For some reason, some of America’s youngest males seem to not have learned this basic lesson.

And now people are dying as a result.

“A smart, quiet, sweet boy.”