UPDATED: Pompeo’s Anti-LGBT Views Just Lost Him (Another) Critical Vote – Becoming Secretary of State Looks Unlikely

Editor’s note: See update below.

President Donald Trump’s pick to become the next Secretary of State is in trouble. Right now, thanks to a Senator from New Hampshire,  Mike Pompeo may not have enough votes to be confirmed.

During his bombshell confirmation hearing last week CIA Director Pompeo revealed not only is he opposed to same-sex marriage for religious reasons, he refused to say if he believes sex between, say, a happily married same-sex couple, is “perversion.” Asked by Democratic Senator Cory Booker, Pompeo refused to answer.

New Hampshire Democratic Senator Jeanne Shaheen Tuesday evening announced her opposition to Pompeo becoming Secretary of State. She cited his anti-LGBT views, along with his views on Muslims and women’s rights.

“After careful consideration, I cannot support Director Mike Pompeo’s nomination to serve as Secretary of State,” Shaheen said in a statement.

Shaheen went on to say, “his previous roles are fundamentally different from that of Secretary of State, who represents American values around the world. The Secretary of State is a policy-making position and I continue to have deep concerns regarding Mr. Pompeo’s past statements and policy views, particularly in regards to the LGBTQ community, American Muslims and women’s reproductive rights. For these reasons, I have concluded that I cannot support Director Pompeo to lead the State Department at this critical time.”

Shaheen is one of 21 Senators on the Foreign Relations Committee. Pompeo would need 11 votes on to advance Pompeo’s nomination to the full Senate for a vote. As The Hill notes, Republican Rand Paul also has stated he will oppose Pompeo.

Democratic Senators Bob Menendez, Chris Coons, and Ben Cardin are reportedly undecided.

The Hill went as far as saying Pompeo “lacks votes for recommendation.”

Assuming all Democrats stand together in opposition, with Rand Paul voting no, Pompeo only has 10 votes and would be reported as not recommended.

Pompeo also has another problem. Even if one Democrat moves to support his nomination, Sen. Jeff Flake could block it:

Right now, Pompeo’s chances of becoming Secretary of State are very, very, slim.

Of course, Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, who has demonstrated he has no qualms on destroying Senate rules and tradition to get his way (Supreme Court Justice Neil Gorsuch is one result of McConnell’s scorched earth politics) it’s possible he could advance Pompeo’s nomination. He could add a Republican to the committee. He could twist Rand Paul’s arm, forcing him to vote yes. He could easily demand the full Senate vote without a favorable committee vote. And then he would need a simple majority, which would be challenging, if not impossible – unless Senators change their votes.

Anything could happen.

But right now, chances are good Mike Pompeo may not become Secretary of State.

Stay tuned.

UPDATE: 04.1818:
One of the three remaining undecided Democrats has announced he will not support Pompeo for Secretary of State:


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