Watch: Trump Takes Credit for South Korea Olympics Being ‘Beautiful’ and ‘Really Very Successful’

‘We Had a Lot to Do With That – if Not Everything’ Trump Says, Taking Full Credit for the Success of the Olympics

Speaking about the news that North Korea says it is willing to discuss giving up its nuclear weapons President Trump Tuesday afternoon took a moment to take credit for the success of the South Korean Olympics.

“We’ve been given tremendous credit, because the Olympics was not going well, and when they [North Korea] came in out of the blue and said we’d love to participate in the Olympics it made the Olympics very successful. President Moon of South Korea was very generous in his statements as to the fact that we had a lot to do with that – if not everything.”

“We had a lot to do with it. The Olympics were beautiful, they were really very successful, and as you know they weren’t looking that way.”


Trump Just Revealed He Has No Idea North Korea Just Offered to Discuss Giving Up Their Nukes

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