Trump Just Revealed He Has No Idea North Korea Just Offered to Discuss Giving Up Their Nukes


One of the most important developments overnight is North Korea, after talks with South Korea, has said it would be willing to discuss giving up its nuclear weapons in exchange for promises of safety and security. It is news literally on a global scale.

The President of the United States is unaware of the news.

Trump spent his “executive time” Tuesday morning attacking Democrats on DACA and claiming it’s “Fake News” that there’s “CHAOS” in the White House – as he hinted someone in his administration is leaving or getting fired. His fourth tweet of the day (there have been six so far) was to retweet The Drudge Report:

That story is more than 24 hours old.

Trump’s response? “We’ll see what happens.”

We already have – everyone except the President of the United States, at least.

The New York Times:”North Korea Is Willing to Discuss Giving Up Nuclear Weapons, South Says”

AP: “North Korea says it’s willing to talk to U.S., halt nuclear tests”

This is an astonishing failure of the president and his White House aides.

This is a president who gets his “intelligence” from Twitter and “Fox & Friends,” not the wealth of national security experts he has at his command.

An uninformed president cannot be trusted to make the right decisions.

More than an hour after he revealed he had no idea what was happening with North Korea, Trump posted a tweet that proves he had no idea. He also tried to appear as if he had any control over the results:


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