Trump Breaks His Silence on Democrat Winning Pennsylvania – Comes Up With an Excuse: He’s ‘Like Trump’

President Trump waited about 16 hours before admitting the candidate he endorsed in the Pennsylvania special election lost. Rick Saccone is one in a growing number of Republicans who the president has not only endorsed but campaigned for, and yet lost. Trump managed to endorse the two losing Republicans for one seat in Georgia – Luther Strange, and then Roy Moore, who lost to Democrat Doug Jones. He also endorsed Ed Gillespie to be Virginia’s governor. He lost. 

At a private fundraiser in Missouri Wednesday evening – for yet another Republican candidate, Josh Hawley, running for the U.S. Senate – President Trump finally acknowledged his Pennsylvania candidate’s defeat.

But Trump figured out a way to save face – as he always does.

The Democrat is “like Trump.”

Yes, the ObamaCare supporting, pro-choice, anti-tax cut for the wealthy Democrat Conor Lamb – who, by the way, is a former Marine – is “like Trump.”

“The young man last night that ran, he said, ‘Oh, I’m like Trump. Second Amendment, everything. I love the tax cuts, everything.’ He ran on that basis,” Trump said, The Atlantic reports.

That’s false. Conor Lamb called the Trump tax cuts a “giveaway” to the rich.

“He ran on a campaign that said very nice things about me. I said, ‘Is he a Republican? He sounds like a Republican to me.’”

Lamb did not say very nice things about Trump. He just refused to bash the president. A former Marine respecting the Office of the President is not an anomaly. 

And yes, Lamb may support Trump’s steel tariffs – he is a Democrat in deep red Pennsylvania. And he might think we need to strengthen background checks but not add any new gun laws, but he’s about as far from Trump as any Democrat can get, and still win in the heart of the Keystone State.

Up until his remarks at the Hawley fundraiser, Trump not only hadn’t said a word about Lamb winning, his White House refused to say if Trump even accepted that Saccone had lost.

White House spokesperson Raj Shah told reporters aboard Air Force One Wednesday afternoon, Conor Lamb “really embraced the President’s policies and his vision.”

Conor Lamb is too much of a gentleman to respond with what we’re all thinking.

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