Treasury Secretary: Focus on Trump’s Actions, Not Racial and Vulgar ‘Funny Moments’ (Video)

“A Lot of Funny Moments on That Rally”

Treasury Secretary Steve Mnuchin appeared on Sunday’s “Meet the Press” to dismiss Donald Trump’s racial and vulgar attacks made during Saturday night’s campaign rally as “funny moments.”

“Look, final question for you,” host Chuck Todd addressed Mnuchin. “Many people, including myself, raise their kids to respect the office of the presidency and the president of the United States.”

“When he uses vulgarity to talk about individuals,” he continued, “what are they supposed to tell their kids?”

“Again, I’ll be with my kids this morning,” Mnuchin responded, “and I’ll be focused on them, on what the president is doing to protect the United States, its citizens…”

“So he’s not a moral, don’t worry about his values?” Todd interrupted.

“I’ve never said that whatsoever, so I don’t know why you’re putting these words in what I’m trying to say,” Mnuchin responded. “I am very comfortable with what we’re doing, okay?”

“What are you supposed to say when he’s using these vulgarities to kids?” Todd asked.

“Uh, again, I think you should be focused on what the policies are,” Mnuchin dismissed the president’s words. “He’s using those vulgarities in the context of a campaign rally, and obviously there were a lot of funny moments on that rally.”

“Yeah,” Todd noted, “they were hilarious.”

You can watch the full exchange below:

Amongst Saturday’s “funny moments” were the president’s personal attacks on Chuck Todd himself. Referring to “Meet the Press,” Trump advised it was now headed by “sleepy eyes Chuck Todd,” a “sleeping son of a bitch.”

Here’s the clip:

Also in the rally, the president attacked Senator Elizabeth Warren, referring to her as Pocahontas as a racial slur:

Funny moments indeed.


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