Sam Nunberg Helped Prep Trump for a Debate by Explaining the Constitution – Trump’s Eyes Were ‘Rolling Back in His Head’

Sam Nunberg gained instant infamy Monday with a series of bizarre and possibly alcohol-fueled TV interviews challenging the special counsel probe, but he has previously made news for the wrong reasons.

The former campaign adviser was reportedly tasked with explaining the Constitution to Donald Trump shortly after he announced his run for president, and Nunberg told “Fire and Fury” author Michael Wolff the experience didn’t go well.

“I got as far as the Fourth Amendment,” Nunberg told Wolff, “before his finger is pulling down on his lip and his eyes are rolling back in his head.”

Nunberg and his mentor, Republican dirty trickster Roger Stone, helped prepare Trump for his first Republican primary debate.

“I wasn’t there to teach the president the Constitution,” Nunberg said. “The president had a granular understanding of the Constitution, it was good enough. It was around eight days before the first debate and I didn’t want him to have any gotcha questions.”

Nunberg also admitted he “probably” called the president an “idiot” during a conversation with former White House chief strategist Steve Bannon, according to Wolff’s reporting.

“‘If you can get this idiot elected twice,’ Nunberg marveled, you would achieve something like immortality in politics,” Wolff reported.

Nunberg tried to clarify that he was only being sarcastic and did not actually believe Trump is an idiot.

“I’m from New York and I’m very sarcastic,” Nunberg said. “I certainly probably said that but he’s by no means an idiot, at all.”

“I’m sure he’s used very colorful words about me in the past,” he added.

Trump fired Nunberg twice, for the last time in August 2015, and he reportedly left the campaign aide at McDonalds because his custom burger order was taking to long.

“Leave him, let’s go,” Trump said, according to former campaign manager Corey Lewandowski and deputy campaign manager David Bossie.

Image: Screenshot via YouTube

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