GOP Candidate for Flake’s US Senate Seat Blocked From Twitter

A Republican running for U.S. Senate in Arizona has been banned from Twitter after posting conspiracy theories about the Parkland school shooting massacre, the Phoenix New Times reported Friday.

“Recently, Brittain had been spreading gross conspiracy theories about the Parkland shooting survivors, calling them paid actors,” the paper reported. “Brittain tweeted constantly under the name @SenatorBrittain, sharing missives that ranged from utterly bonkers to deeply offensive.”

Jaclyn Corin, a Parkland survivor, responded to one of the allegations Brittain made.

“I have already appealed, but Twitter’s appeal process is a kangaroo court,” Brittain charged. “Once banned, you don’t get unbanned.”

“After continually hiding tweets from most of our followers and refusing to verify our account, today Twitter proved that it is in the business of trying to rig elections for the left, as CEO Jack Dorsey is a donor and member of the Clinton Foundation,” Brittain claimed. “Millions of conservatives and libertarians have been banned without reason, including Milo Yiannopoulos, Roger Stone, and others.”

The Federal Trade Commission reached a settlement with Brittain in 2015 over a revenge-porn website that would demand hundreds of dollars from victims.

Previously, Brittain claimed his Twitter account had been suspended because of his support for President Donald Trump.

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