Trump Wants You to Know He’s Been ‘Victimized’ by Obama’s Administration

And to Save DACA, “Vote Republican!”

Donald Trump opted to stay in Washington D.C. this weekend, a rarity for this president. As such, he’s been pretty active on Twitter.

He began his Saturday by blaming Democrats for his decision not to release the Democratic memo that was drafted to refute the Intelligence Committee chair’s attempts to delegitimize the Russia investigation. He cited the fact that it was “very political and long.”

Later, the president decided to weigh in on the two White House officials who have resigned this week amid allegations of domestic violence and emotional abuse of a spouse. Perhaps not surprisingly, it wasn’t to offer his support to victims of abuse, but to dismiss their bravery as “mere allegations” and to call for “due process” for their alleged abusers.

Twitter quickly reminded Trump how frequently he’s made unfounded allegations of his own and of his well-documented lack of respect for due process.

Now, the president wants the world to know that he’s been victimized by the Obama administration.

“‘My view is that not only has Trump been vindicated in the last several weeks about the mishandling of the Dossier and the lies about the Clinton/DNC Dossier, it shows that he’s been victimized,” the president tweeted, quoting right wing activist Tom Fitton, a favorite of his. He’s been victimized by the Obama Administration who were using all sorts of…….”

Then – for seventeen minutes – nothing.

“‘….agencies, not just the FBI & DOJ, now the State Department to dig up dirt on him in the days leading up to the Election,” Trump finally continued. ‘Comey had conversations with Donald Trump, which I don’t believe were accurate…he leaked information (corrupt).’ Tom Fitton of Judicial Watch on @FoxNews”

Of note:

Trump subsequently decided to offer his seventh tweet today, praising Republicans for wanting to “fix DACA far more than Democrats do.”

“Republicans want to fix DACA far more than the Democrats do,” he wrote. “The Dems had all three branches of government back in 2008-2011, and they decided not to do anything about DACA. They only want to use it as a campaign issue. Vote Republican!”

As NCRM has reported, DACA is the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals program, established in 2012. DACA recipients are called “Dreamers” because of the DREAM act, which stands for the Development, Relief, and Education for Alien Minors Act. Democrats have been attempting to pass it since 2001.

It was Donald Trump’s decision to end DACA.

Image by Gage Skidmore via Flickr and a CC license





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