Trump Brags ‘64% of the Trump Agenda Is Already Done’ – Obama Made 5 Times as Many Promises, Achieved Far Greater Results

Life’s Easy When the Bar Is So Low

President Donald Trump began his “executive time” with a tweet purportedly quoting the far right wing think tank Heritage Foundation, bragging that 64 percent of his agenda is already complete. 

Whether or not that’s true, how hard could it be? Trump had one of the least auspicious agendas of any modern American president.

It’s not hard to check off the to do list when there are so few items on it.

To compare Trump’s campaign promises to President Obama’s in his first term, we looked to PolitiFact, which has tracked both President Trump’s promises and President Obama’s promises (March 2, 2010) and their rates of completion.

President Obama made 503 campaign promises. President Trump made about one-fifth as many: just 102. 

At this point in their presidencies, Obama had completed 96 – nearly as many promises as Trump made in total. Trump has completed just nine. 

Politifact, in the chart above, break actions down into categories. 

Trump has 46 promises in the works (46%). Obama at this point had 272 in the works (54%) .

Trump has compromised on 7 (7%), Obama had compromised on 33 (6.5%).

Obama had broken 16 promises (3%), Trump has broken 7 (7%).

There truly is no comparison. For every measurement, President Barack Obama promised more, accomplished more – exponentially. 

Sadly, Trump’s supporters will never see this comparison.

Images: Screenshots via PolitiFact

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