Trump Just Called for a Shutdown – Here Are 8 Times He Attacked Democrats Over ‘Shutdown Politics’

‘Keep Our Government OPEN!’

President Donald Trump Tuesday afternoon called for a federal government shutdown if he doesn’t get his way on immigration. 

Let’s have a shutdown, we’ll do a shutdown, and it’s worth it for our country. I’d love to see a shutdown if we don’t get this stuff taken care of,” Trump said, speaking about funding his border wall and going after the MS-13 gang.

But Trump has many times opposed shutting down the government, and used even a threat of a shutdown to attack Democrats – in short, he’s proven he has no actual core belief on the issue. Like everything else, it’s just a tool to attack his opponents.

Here are eight times Trump has attacked Democrats over the threat of a shutdown:

“Shutdown politics”

Shutdown is bad for “our great Military”

“shutdown will be devastating to our military”

“biggest loser will be our rapidly rebuilding Military”

Democrats are “shutting down our military”

“keep our Government OPEN!”

Democrats can’t “now threaten a shutdown to get their demands”

Threatening a shutdown is “Terrible!”



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