House Intelligence Committee Unanimously Votes to Release Democratic Memo – Will Trump Do It?

Expected to Debunk Nunes Memo

Republicans on the House Intelligence Committee voted, as predicted, to allow President Trump to release the Democratic memo, a response to the factually deficient Nunes memo that supposedly was going discredit the FBI, which it has not. Committee Chairman Devin Nunes had not wanted the Democrats’ memo released, because it point-by-point refutes the falsehoods included in Nunes’ work.

Democratic Ranking Member Adam Schiff, who was attacked as “one of the biggest liars and leakers in Washington” by President Trump earlier Monday, urged the President to not redact the Democrats’ memo for political purposes:

Now, President Trump has five days to either block the release of the Democratic memo, authorize its release but not declassify it, or declassify it and authorize its release. He could also release it himself or send it back to the House to allow them to release it if they still wanted to.




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