‘Left of Commie’: Donald Trump Jr Tells Fox News Democrats Are More Extreme Than Communists

‘Radical Left’

Donald Trump Jr. took yet another swipe at those opposed to his father’s presidency Saturday afternoon, painting Democrats as more extreme than Communists – while implying the Russia investigation is like McCarthyism.

“You see the Democratic senators: ‘This is McCarthyism.’ I’m like what? You have a guy screaming, ‘Russia, Russia, Russia’ with no evidence, obvious collusion. All this shade for 18 months screaming about McCarthyism. I mean the irony is ridiculous at this point,” Trump Jr. told Fox News’ Jesse Watters, as ABC News reported.

Just a few hours later President Trump repeated his son’s phrase, “Russia, Russia, Russia,” in a similar attack on Democrats.

Trump Jr. went on to continue his attacks on Democrats, asking Watters if the DNC’s platform this year will be “We want to make America worse again?”

“Rather than being reasonable and coming to the table, they force themselves further and further and further left,” Trump Jr. cried. “I mean, they’re left of commie right now,” he continued, meaning left of communists.

“And that’s a real problem for them. I don’t think that’s where America was. I think the lesson they learned from the election was, ‘Wait a minute, we need to be further radical left,'” Jr. charged. 




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