Congratulations, America! The GOP Just Shut Down the Government. Again.

‘Stupidest Thing to Happen to Congress in Three Weeks’

The federal government is now closed.

Thanks to the party that controls the White House, the Senate, and the House, the federal government has just run out of money and is shut down. Again. For the second time in three weeks. 


Mostly because of one Senator: Rand Paul, Republican of Kentucky, who voted to give a tremendous tax break to the wealthy that will cost taxpayers $1.5 trillion but arriving at a bipartisan two-year budget deal is just one step too far.

“This is the stupidest thing to happen to Congress in three weeks,” a GOP Senate aide told Politico. “This is even more stupid than the name of the new Kardashian baby (Stormi). This is dumber than a screen door on a submarine. This is even stupider than the kid who didn’t recognize Justin Timberlake at the Super Bowl.”

President Trump has been entirely missing in action.

Meanwhile, the Senate will likely hold a vote in the next few hours to re-open the government. 


Shutdown over. 

Image by FraserElliot via Flickr and a CC license

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