‘I Am Non-Braggadocious’: Trump Brags About the Great Job He Thinks He’s Doing, Says He’s Not Bragging


As the stock markets tumble for the second day in a row, President Donald Trump traveled to a plant in friendly Ohio to push his tax cuts that are becoming more popular, but are devastating the deficit.

President Trump bragged about the tax cuts, which mostly affect the rich, he bragged about bonuses companies are giving, claiming they gave them as a response to the tax cuts – which are permanent for companies but, like the bonuses, a one-time deal for individuals. Trump bragged about rising wages, which he literally had nothing to do with, and he bragged about jobs coming back from Mexico, which is also false.

At one point, Trump announced, “I am non-braggadocious,” which is the ultimate irony. There was laughter in the background.

He then went to attack friendly countries, saying he doesn’t call them friendly.




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