White House Defends Trump Ad Calling Democrats ‘Complicit in Every Murder by Illegal Immigrants’ (Video)

“You Know That Ad was Created by an Outside Group”

On Sunday’s “Meet the Press,” White House Director of Legislative Affairs Marc Short defended the president’s re-election ad (for 2020) blaming Democrats for the government shutdown and accusing them of being complicit in murder.

“President Trump is right. Build the wall. Deport criminals. Stop illegal immigration, now,” the ad, released Saturday and entitled “Complicit,” advises. “Democrats who stand in our way will be complicit in every murder committed by illegal immigrants. President Trump will fix our border and keep our families safe.”

“I’m Donald Trump,” the ad ends, “and I approve this message.”

Amidst the government shutdown, now in its second day, Short appeared on Sunday’s “Meet the Press” where he was questioned about its tone and content by host Chuck Todd.

“I wanna play an ad which you guys unveiled last night,” Todd told Short, subsequently doing just that. “Tell me how that helps negotiations today. You’re calling Democrats accomplices to potential murderers.”

“Well, you know that ad is produced by an outside group,” Short began to answer, “and not…”

“‘Donald J. Trump for President’ is an outside group?” Todd interjected.

“It’s done from a political organization, it’s not done by people working inside the White House,” Short replied before reviewing what he called “the problem of immigration coming in and the threat that it poses to our country.”

“If you want to solve this problem, is that the way to treat opponents—political opponents?” Todd asked. “Is that ad helpful to you today?”

“I think it’s helpful to continue to raise awareness,” Short asserted.

“Our new campaign ad draws attention to the stark contrast between ‘complicit’ Democrats and the President for his full commitment to build a wall and fix our border to protect Americans from drugs, murder and other atrocities,” the ad is described on YouTube.

You can watch the exchange, which includes some of the ad, below:

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