Trump to Celebrate His First Year in the White House With a Gala at Mar-a-Lago. Tickets Start at $100,000.

Federal Government Shutdown Looms

President Donald Trump is celebrating the first anniversary of his inauguration with a gala Saturday night at his Florida resort, Mar-a-Lago. Tickets start at $100,000 per couple, which includes dinner and a photograph with President Trump. $250,000 tickets include dinner, a photo, and the opportunity to engage in a roundtable discussion, according to Bloomberg News.

Republican National Committee chair Ronna McDaniel, and RNC finance chair Steve Wynn, the billionaire casino owner, are the official hosts. Proceeds will go to Trump’s re-election campaign and the RNC.

Trump may be attending the black tie affair amid a federal government shutdown, after having thrown a wrench into GOP negotiations on Thursday.

Former President Barack Obama had been in office more than two years before he headlined his first re-election fundraiser,” Bloomberg notes. “Former President George W. Bush raised a total of $268,423 in his first two years in office, according to Federal Election Commission records.”

Here’s the president and First Lady celebrating at Mar-a-Lago on New Year’s Eve.

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