Trump Publicly Smacks Down His Own Chief of Staff, Insists the Wall ‘Has Never Changed or Evolved’

‘The Wall Is the Wall, It Has Never Changed or Evolved From the First Day I Conceived of It’ Trump Claims

With just 40 hours before a federal government shutdown and no consensus from the Republican majority President Trump is focusing not on keeping the government open but on appeasing his base by dredging up a campaign promise while smacking down his own chief of staff.

NPR early Thursday morning reported that “White House Chief of Staff John Kelly told a caucus of Hispanic lawmakers on Wednesday that he has persuaded President Trump that building a wall along the U.S.-Mexico border is unnecessary, signaling a possible reversal on the key campaign promise.”

“Kelly, who was secretary of Homeland Security before taking over as chief of staff in July, said that candidate Trump had not been ‘fully informed’ about the border situation when he pledged repeatedly on the campaign trail to build the 2,200-mile wall and get Mexico to pay for it.”

The president, Kelly said, ‘has evolved in the way he has looked at things. Campaign to governing are two different things and this president has been very, very flexible in terms of the realm of what is possible.'”

After Kelly said Trump doesn’t think his beloved wall is necessary, and that he has “evolved” on the issue, Trump blasted him on Twitter.

Note Trump use of the word “evolved.” He continues:

Some responses via Twitter:

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