Trump Throws Twitter Temper Tantrum, Lashes Out at 9th Circuit Over Federal Judge’s Decision Blocking End of DACA

That’s Not How It Works. That’s Not How Any of This Works.

President Donald Trump is furious at a late Tuesday night decision by a federal judge in San Francisco that blocks his decision to rescind President Obama’s DACA program protecting undocumented people brought into the U.S. illegally when they were children.

Early Wednesday morning the Trump White House issued a statement calling the judge’s decision “outrageous.”

Trump, as usual, felt the need to weigh in too.

Minutes ago the president posted a tweet clearly proving he has little grasp of the federal court system or how it works.

It just shows everyone how broken and unfair our Court System is when the opposing side in a case (such as DACA) always runs to the 9th Circuit and almost always wins before being reversed by higher courts,” Trump tweeted.

Except that’s untrue, on all counts.

First, the federal judge who ruled against Trump’s DACA decision is a U.S. District Court judge. And while he is under the umbrella of the 9th Circuit he’s not part of the 9th Circuit Court of Appeals, which Trump repeatedly has attacked (falsely, of course.)

And this, particularly egregious and 100% false tweet:

Judges don’t get to pick their cases, and the system isn’t broken because a case is filed in a particular court system. Also, Trump has been overruled by many judges outside the 9th Circuit’s oversight.

Here’s how one law professor responded:

Two journalists weigh in:

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