Trump Desperately Wants Jay-Z to Know ‘Black Unemployment’ at ‘the LOWEST RATE EVER RECORDED!’

Jay-Z Criticized Trump’s “Shithole” Remarks on CNN

The president of the United States began his morning with a message, utilizing caps-lock, for rapper and businessman Jay-Z.

“Somebody please inform Jay-Z that because of my policies,” Trump wrote, “Black Unemployment has just been reported to be at the LOWEST RATE EVER RECORDED!”

The commentary apparently stems from CNN, which the president frequently attacks and asserts he does not watch. Jay-Z addressed Donald Trump’s alleged racist remarks on African nations on the debut of the network’s “The Van Jones Show.”

“Why are we having all these people from shithole countries come here?” Trump reportedly said during a bipartisan immigration meeting, in a reference to African nations and Haiti.  Those comments followed the New York Times report that the president complained that Haitian immigrants “all have AIDS” and that Nigerian immigrants would never “go back to their huts” in Africa after entering the United States.

“Everyone feels anger, but after the anger it’s really hurtful because he’s looking down on a whole population of people and he’s so misinformed because these places have beautiful people,” Jay-Z told Van Jones.

“Somewhere along his lineage something happened to him … and he’s in pain and he’s expressing it in this sort of way,” Jay-Z said, soon weighing in on the recent tax legislation and attack on health care. “You treat people like human beings. That’s the main point.”

“It goes back to the whole thing — ‘treat me really bad and pay me well,’” he continued. “It’s not going to lead to happiness, it’s going to lead to, again, the same thing. Everyone’s going to be sick.”

Also of note, this isn’t the first time Donald Trump has claimed responsibility for the African American unemployment rate. NPR did report that yes, that rate is 6.8 percent, the lowest level recorded since the government started keeping track in January 1972.”

But responding to his last tweet on the matter, they added:

However, that’s not all Trump is doing in this tweet. He is implying that he caused these low African-American and Hispanic unemployment rates.

And a big problem with that claim is that those rates had been falling for long before Trump took office, and their declines don’t appear to have picked up speed. This implies that there’s nothing specific that Trump did to change this rate.

Some reactions via Twitter:

Just yesterday, multiple outlets reported that Donald Trump signed a letter advising African leaders that he “deeply respects” the people of Africa ahead of this weekend’s African Union summit.







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