One More Sign Jeff Sessions May Be Getting Fired: Trump and Cabinet Are at Camp David, Sessions Not Invited

In or Out?

Jeff Sessions is one of the most unpopular people in Washington right now. His job as Attorney General has always been in jeopardy, even before he was confirmed, after he lied to Congress during his confirmation hearing. 

President Trump has publicly attacked Sessions for the better part of his tenure. Earlier today NCRM took a look at some of Trump’s many anti-Sessions tantrums, when we reported on the DOJ’s new investigation into the Clinton Foundation – a political witch hunt.

Some GOP lawmakers are calling for Sessions to be fired for not protecting the president enough (even though that absolutely is not his job.) Other Republicans are calling for Sessions to be fired after he decided to rescind an Obama-era policy to not interfere in state-legalized sales of marijuana, a $10 billion industry that is about to explode even more. 

And now, the latest evidence that Sessions may be on his way out.

President Trump, many of his Cabinet Secretaries, and top GOP lawmakers are convening at Camp David this weekend to plan their 2018 legislative agenda. Attorney General Sessions is not there. He told Buzzfeed, “we were not invited.” (Sessions has been known to speak in the third person.)


Now, as Attorney General, Sessions should not be part of a political process – his job, despite that he’s not managed it this way, is supposed to be apolitical. But he should be present since his job is the country’s chief law enforcement officer, and he should be advising Trump and GOP lawmakers if their legislative agenda is legal, and enforceable.

His presence at this meeting is very necessary, and his absence is striking.

Buzzfeed’s Chris Geidner explains:

Sessions is not the only Cabinet Secretary not attending, but not being invited when the Secretary of Education was invited is eyebrow-raising:

One person who is at Camp David this weekend: EPA Administrator Scott Pruitt. Politico reports he’s openly angling for Sessions’ job. 

With rumors swirling that Jeff Sessions could depart the administration and two members of the House Freedom Caucus calling on the former Alabama senator to resign, Pruitt is quietly positioning himself as a possible candidate for the job,” Politico reports.

Some on the left are pushing for Sessions’ ouster, given his disastrous performance, while others on the left say he’s standing in the way of an Attorney General who could and would fire special counsel Robert Mueller.

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